Results for 'Rogerio A. S. Fajardo'

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  1.  15
    Non-normal Modalisation.Rogerio A. S. Fajardo & Marcelo Finer - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 83-95.
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  2. The Paley's Concept of Liberty and the Eclipse of the Republicanism (O conceito de liberdade em Paley e o eclipse do republicanismo).Rogério A. Picoli - 2013 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 22:141-158.
    According to Pettit and Skinner the rising of utilitarianism would have decisively contributed to the eclipse of the modern republican tradition. The Utilitarians would have been responsible for a radical critique of the concept of republican liberty, which would have resulted in the predominance of the Hobbesian conception of freedom. The sharpness and strength of the utilitarian attack to the conception of republican liberty would have be summarized in a set of objections formulated, in the late eighteenth century, by the (...)
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    Análisis semánticos.Josefina García Fajardo (ed.) - 1996 - México, D.F.: Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios.
    Con este volumen se da inicio a la Serie Estudios del Lenguaje de la C tedra Jaime Torres Bodet. Son nueve los art culos que integran esta obra. Cuatro de ellos abordan alg n aspecto del sistema de una lengua en particular; dos se dirigen al sentido de un texto; en uno se perfila un modelo de an lisis de textos jur dicos; otro presenta un panorama de los estudios sobre cuantificaci n, y uno m s expone los problemas con (...)
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    Self Perceived Emotional Functioning of Spanish Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Longitudinal Study.Jesús S. Mora, Teresa Salas, María L. Fajardo, Lourdes Iváñez & Francisco Rodríguez-Santos - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    A crise dos fundamentos das ciências modernas: Uma leitura a partir de Edmund Husserl.Rogério Miranda de Almeida & Irineu Letenski - 2017 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 7 (14):27.
    Estas reflexões têm como objetivo principal analisar a crise dos fundamentos das ciências modernas na perspectiva de Edmund Husserl. Com efeito, na primeira metade do século XX, o autor das Investigações lógicas levanta o brado em torno da existência de uma crise científica e, ao mesmo tempo, procura diagnosticar as causas e remediar os males que acarretaram tal crise. Mais precisamente, o pensamento husserliano tem como ponto de partida a crítica aos limites e à possibilidade do conhecimento proposto pelas filosofias (...)
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    Freud e Spinoza a razão, a necessidade e a liberdade.Rogério Miranda de Almeida & Allan Martins Mohr - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (1):79-100.
    Resumo Tencionamos, nestas reflexões, analisar os conceitos spinozianos de Deus, do homem e da razão, para, a partir do caráter necessário que os permeia, interrogarmos se existiria também a possibilidade de uma liberdade humana no pensamento do autor da Ética. Se tal liberdade existe, ela estaria situada no próprio plano racional, o que, por sua vez, levantaria ingentes problemas. A mesma questão - a da possibilidade de uma liberdade, em Freud - estaria colocada na margem de ação que, até certo (...)
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  7. Breaks in consciousness in the psychoanalytic process: A dynamic systems approach to change and a bridge to Edelman's mind/brain model.Barbara Fajardo - 2000 - Annual of Psychoanalysis 28:21-45.
  8.  21
    A presença da semiótica de C. S. Peirce nas reflexões de Gilles Deleuze sobre os signos.Rogério Da Costa Santos - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):286-303.
    Este artigo investiga a presença da semiótica de C. S. Peirce na filosofia de Gilles Deleuze. O interesse pelas ideias de Peirce se deu a partir da parceria que Deleuze estabeleceu com Félix Guattari, e que se manifesta no uso dos conceitos de semiótica e diagrama em sua obra conjunta “Mil platôs”. Mais tarde, Deleuze faria um uso mais aprofundado da semiótica de Peirce em seus livros e cursos sobre cinema.
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  9. “A ambicionada assimilação do materialismo”: Nietzsche e o debate naturalista na filosofia alemã da segunda metade do século XIX.Rogerio Lopes - 2011 - Cadernos Nietzsche 29.
    This paper compares Nietzsche ́s views on the relationship between philosophical reflection and empirical sciences against the background of some of the debates in the so-called transcendental tradition, in order to characterize his position in terms of a liberal kind of methodological naturalism. Initially, it will be shown that there are some similarities between the debates in the German academic philosophy of the second half of the nineteenth century and the Postquinean contemporary debates on naturalism. I discuss subsequently F. A. (...)
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    (1 other version)Princípios, costumes E a fundação do conhecimento.Rogerio Fernandes Martins - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 43:335-361.
    We will seek to position certain aspects of Pascal’s speculationfrom an epistemological background. We are going to frame them, moreprecisely, within what is called, in Theory of Knowledge, the traditionof Epistemic Foundationalism. The intention here will be to show thegenesis of the first principles, essential for the entire epistemologicalframework in this tradition, and the consequences arising therefrom.For this purpose, we will compare the pascalian developments with thecartesian ones on the subject. We hope, at the end of the article, to havedemonstrated (...)
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    Confirmation Holism and Underdetermination in Quine’s Thought.Rogério Passos Severo - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2).
    Quine is frequently acknowledged as one of the main proponents of both confirmation holism and underdetermination. In the recent literature, however, his views have been often criticized and misrepresented: the distinction between the two theses has been often blurred, the obviousness of holism has been rejected, and the plausibility of underdetermination has come under attack. This paper attempts to formulate both theses as clearly as possible and to defend Quine’s views against some recurrent criticisms. In particular, it is argued that (...)
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    Comentário a “O externalismo semiótico ativo de C. S. Peirce e a cantoria de viola como signo em ação”.Max Rogerio Vicentini - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (3):211-214.
  13. A gestão da vida capital e a constituição do homo dispensatio.Rogério Luis da Rocha Seixas - 2012 - Revista Inquietude 3 (2):164-185.
    Our abstract begins with the question: what means the sentence - the life is a capital? Michel Foucault makes the question when he signalizes that the bio-power is connected to the capitalism. In this case, the question is to understand how the increase and the confiscate of wealth suppose the power’s development that captures the life strength to make them participe to the wealth creation process. What other fundamental question could be emphasized? The contemporaneous capitalism is strictly connected to method (...)
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    Agostinho de Hipona e as ambivalências do seu filosofar.Rogério Miranda de Almeida - 2012 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 57 (2):194-212.
    The main objective of this text is to analyze some of the ambiguities that characterize Augustine of Hippo’s position regarding the so-called pagan culture in general and Greek philosophy in particular. As a matter of fact, the author of Confessions is situated in a mid-term, which I identify by the expression “the paradox of between”, for he does not totally embrace the position of Justin Martyr, who identifies Christian wisdom with Greek philosophy, neither does he claim the other extreme position (...)
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    A relação de Nietzsche com suas fontes filosóficas: Uma taxonomia dos usos.Rogerio Lopes - 2024 - Modernos and Contemporâneos: Revista de Filosofia Do Ifch da Universidade Estadual de Campinas 8 (18):18-42.
    The aim of this paper is, firstly, to present some reasons why source criticism is a particularly promising methodological approach when applied to Nietzsche’s work. Starting from a first taxonomy, devoted to the various methodological approaches in the history of philosophy, I argue that source criticism is particularly well suited to dealing with Nietzsche’s work, due to the enthymematic nature of the ways he presents his arguments as well as to the nature of some of his substantive philosophical commitments (such (...)
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  16. Há espaço para uma concepção não moral da normatividade prática em Nietzsche?: notas sobre um debate em andamento.Rogério Lopes - 2013 - Cadernos Nietzsche 33:89-134.
    This paper is divided into three sections. The purpose of the first section is to show how the search for an alternative conception of practical normativity by contemporary moral philosophers keeps affinities with Nietzsche's attempt to overcome morality in the nineteenth century. In the second section, I assess the merits and limitations of Brobjer's attempt to affiliate Nietzsche with the ancient Greek tradition of virtue ethics. In the third section, I present the different motivations behind Nietzsche's critique of the moral (...)
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  17. Der normative Minimalismus als die verteidigungsfähigste Version von Nietzsches Amoralismus.Rogério Lopes - 2011 - In Volker Caysa & Konstanze Schwarzwald (eds.), Nietzsche - macht - größe. Nietzsche - philosoph der größe der macht oder der macht der größe? deGruyter. pp. 131-144.
    In this paper I intend to identify the kind of Amoralism Nietzsche is arguing for in his writings of the middle period. In the first part of the paper, I focus on the presuppositions as well as on the motivation underlying this version of the amoralist position. Nietzsche diagnoses a normative conflict between intellectual integrity and the metaphysical presuppositions of our moral vocabulary and practices. This diagnosis leads him to the conclusion that we should reform a substantive part of our (...)
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    A crítica de Nietzsche à noção de verdade da metafísica clássica.Mauro Rogério de Almeida Vieira - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (8):60-71.
    Resumo: Este artigo apresenta a crítica de Nietzsche à metafísica tradicional, priorizando a análise do conceito de verdade. Partimos da suposição de que é necessário delinear a crítica feita por Nietzsche à tradição metafísica a partir de sua análise sobre a verdade. De acordo com Nietzsche, nossa possibilidade de conhecer as coisas não atinge um “em si”. O sentido do verdadeiro se faz para garantir a paz e abolir a guerra de todos contra todos. De acordo com o filósofo alemão, (...)
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  19.  26
    Impactos das tecnologias informacionais de comunicação na conduta: contribuições da teoria peirciana de informação.Max Rogério Vicentini, Valdirene A. Pascoal & Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):429-445.
    O objetivo do presente artigo é desenvolver uma reflexão acerca de relações existentes entre informação e ação, no contexto das tecnologias informacionais de comunicação. O problema central que guiará o artigo pode ser assim formulado: Qual é a influência da informação disponível nas TICs na ação autônoma? O direcionamento de pesquisas em relação ao conceito de informação possui geralmente uma orientação técnica, não focalizando questões éticas, ontológicas e epistemológicas, que são igualmente relevantes ao se tratar desse conceito. Em contraste com (...)
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  20. Uma resposta nuançada à pergunta acerca das implicações relativistas do perspectivismo nietzschiano.Rogério Lopes - 2022 - Cadernos Nietzsche 43 (2):269-290.
    A detailed discussion of Corbanezi's book, entitled "Perspectivismo e Relativismo na Filosofia de Nietzsc he," published in 2021 by the Collection Sendas & Veredas [Ensaios] in a partnership between the Unifesp Publisher and GEN (Grup de Estudos Nietzsche). The book aims to answer a very specific question: to what extent does Nietzsche's perspectivism incur in relativism? To answer this main question, Corbanezi mobilizes some of the main concepts of Nietzsche's theoretical philosophy, competently displaying their internal articulations (world conception, will to (...)
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    Supelano-Gross, Claudia. "¡Cómo hacen frente las cosas a las miradas! Walter Benjamin y la mirada de lo urbano." Universitas Philosophica 62 : 147- 168. [REVIEW]Carolina Piracoca Fajardo - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):314-317.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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  22. Nietzsche e a interpretação cética de Platão.Rogerio Lopes - 2012 - Artefilosofia 13 (1):17-40.
    This paper discusses two theses about Plato that Nietzsche defends in his lectures on the Athenian philosopher offered by him at the University of Basel during the 1870s. Nietzsche’s first claim concerns Plato’s philosophy: relying on Aristotle, Nietzsche holds that Plato was initially brought to a metaphysically motivated version of scepticism as a result of his affiliation to the Cratilian interpretation of Heraclitus. Although the Socratic method of defining and testing concepts as well as its metaphysical complement, the theory of (...)
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    (1 other version)Are there empirical cases of indeterminacy of translation?Rogério Passos Severo - 2014 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 89 (1):135-152.
    Quine's writings on indeterminacy of translation are mostly abstract and theoretical; his reasons for the thesis are not based on historical cases of translation but on general considerations about how language works. So it is no surprise that a common objection to the thesis asserts that it is not backed up by any positive empirical evidence. Ian Hacking (1981 and 2002) claims that whatever credibility the thesis does enjoy comes rather from alleged (fictitious) cases of radical mistranslation. This paper responds (...)
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  24. “Plausible insofar as it is intelligible”: Quine on underdetermination.Rogério Passos Severo - 2008 - Synthese 161 (1):141-165.
    Quine’s thesis of underdetermination is significantly weaker than it has been taken to be in the recent literature, for the following reasons: (i) it does not hold for all theories, but only for some global theories, (ii) it does not require the existence of empirically equivalent yet logically incompatible theories, (iii) it does not rule out the possibility that all perceived rivalry between empirically equivalent theories might be merely apparent and eliminable through translation, (iv) it is not a fundamental thesis (...)
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  25.  20
    Long-Term Mating Orientation in Men: The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Protection Skills, and Parenthood Disposition.Gabriela Fajardo, Pablo Polo, José Antonio Muñoz-Reyes & Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From an evolutionary perspective, phenotypic, social, and environmental factors help to shape the different costs and benefits of pursuing different reproductive strategies from one individual to another. Since men’s reproductive success is mainly constrained to women’s availability, their mating orientations should be partially calibrated by features that women prefer in a potential partner. For long-term relationships, women prefer traits that signal access to resources, protection skills, and the willingness to share them. Using generalized linear models with laboratory data taken from (...)
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  26.  21
    Althusser y su lectura de Maquiavelo: ideología, república y democracia.Christian Fajardo - 2021 - Isegoría 65:05-05.
    This article seeks to problematise the opposition between democracy and republic that is at the foundation of political philosophy. Following this horizon, firstly, it explores the reason that allows political thought, on the one hand, to recognise the merit of democracy as the founding act of a republic, but, on the other, to ignore its role within already founded political bodies. Secondly, and with the help of Louis Althusser’s perspective, it is suggested that this ambiguous and paradoxical role of democracy (...)
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    Holismo confirmacional e subdeterminação no pensamento de Quine.Rogério Passos Severo - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2).
    Quine is frequently acknowledged as one of the main proponents of both confi rmation holism and underdetermination. In the recent literature, however, his views have been often criticized and misrepresented: the distinction between the two theses has been often blurred, the obviousness of holism has been rejected, and the plausibility of underdetermination has come under attack. This paper attempts to formulate both theses as clearly as possible and to defend Quine’s views against some recurrent criticisms. In particular, it is argued (...)
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    El Trasfondo Afectivo Intersubjetivo En la Adquisición de Conocimiento y la Confianza Como Actitud Epistémica.Jesús Armando Fajardo santamaría & Ana Aristina Santana Espitia - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-29.
    Among the wide variety of experiences linked to academic work, there are some intense affective experiences that are more directly related to the conceptual development that the learners will achieve because they are intrinsically linked to the activity displayed during the acquisition of knowledge, such is the case of curiosity, confusion and surprise. These epistemic emotions that occur during learning activities are aimed at the conceptual content of the individual's beliefs. The objective of this work is to theoretically explore the (...)
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  29.  19
    Lassègue, Jean (2020). Cassirer’s Transformation: From a Trascendental to a Semiotic Philosophy of Forms. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 190 págs. ISBN 978-3-030-42907-2. 60,98€. [REVIEW]Alejandro Pérez Fajardo - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:335-337.
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    Søren Kierkegaard a Mediação e o Paradoxo Do “Salto da Fé”.Rogério Miranda de Almeida - 2020 - Dissertatio 50:363-382.
    Estas reflexões têm como objetivo principal analisar o paradoxo do "salto da fé" na filosofia de Kierkegaard e, mais especificamente, na obra intitulada: Temor e tremor (1843). Este paradoxo, o teólogo o situa naquilo que ele denomina o “estágio religioso” que, à diferença dos estágios estético e ético, é infenso a todo argumento e a toda mediação racional. Esta é a razão pela qual, depois de apresentar uma breve visão do paradoxo na filosofia e na teologia, eu procederei a uma (...)
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    Manuales de traducción, reinterpretación e indeterminación de la forma lógica.Camilo Fajardo, Manuela Fernández & David Rey - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 33 (2):87-110.
    In this paper we compare the thesis of underdetermination of theories with the thesis of indeterminacy of translation. Drawing upon this comparison, we argue that, in the context of Quine’s philosophy, the thesis of indeterminacy of translation can only be maintained if it is taken as establishing an indeterminacy in the logical form of sentences. Consequently, we contend that Quine lacks a solid argument for indeterminacy of translation.
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    Patrick Heelan, Fenomenologia e a Percepção Visual.Carlos Fils Puig, Rogério Tolfo & António Augusto Passos Videira - 2016 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 72 (2-3):475-518.
    This article describes and discusses the ideas of Patrick Heelan about the nature of visual perception, which he argues as not being intrinsically Euclidian, but rather as being described both in Euclidian and not-Euclidian geometries. Another objective is to place Heelan’s ideas in the context of the attempts to grasp the nature of science from the hermeneutical standpoint, in agreement with the so called analytical philosophy of science, noticing that his philosophical perspective is determined by phenomenology, in particular that inspired (...)
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  33. Os riscos de se tentar conferir plena cidadania teórica ao pensamento ético de Nietzsche: uma discussão de "Nietzsche and Contemporary Ethics" de Simon Robertson.Rogerio Lopes - 2022 - Estudos Nietzsche 13 (1):115-140.
    The aim of the present article is to display and debate the main interpretive and philosophical claims defended by Simon Robertson in his Nietzsche and Contemporary Ethics. Robertson presents innovative and stimulating arguments that might interest primarily readers willing to better understand the Nietzschean moral theory and researchers interested in broader issues of contemporary moral theory, particularly in the analytic tradition. The author covers the main debates in the area, taking sides in disputes going on in normative theory, metaethics, moral (...)
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    Bakhtin and Linguistics: A Dialogue Settled in the Beginning of the 20’s.Beth Brait, Geraldo Tadeu Souza, Marília Amorim, Adriana Pucci Faria Penteado E. Silva, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Carlos Gontijo Rosa, Paulo Rogério Stella & Letícia Jovelina Storto - 2025 - Bakhtiniana 20 (1):e66039p.
    RESUMO Em diversas obras do Círculo (Bakhtin, Volóchinov, Medviédev), a referência a Saussure e/ou às especificidades da Linguística, enquanto ciência da língua, pode ser encontrada em diálogo, mais ou menos polêmico, entre pensadores e tendências epistemológicas, teóricas e metodológicas que propõem diferentes abordagens para a complexidade representada pela linguagem humana e, consequentemente, para seu estudo. Neste artigo, o objetivo é circunscrever e discutir a presença da Linguística, enquanto ciência da língua instaurada por Saussure, nos escritos de Mikhail Bakhtin. Após uma (...)
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  35. Filosofia e Ciência: Nietzsche herdeiro do programa de Friedrich Albert Lange.Rogerio Lopes - 2011 - In Miguel Angel Barrenechea, Charles Feitosa, Paulo Pinheiro & Rosana Suarez (eds.), Nietzsche e as Ciências. 7Letras. pp. 13-29.
    The first part of my paper offers a brief characterization of what I call the non-hegemonic tradition of interpretation of Nietzsche's metaphilosophical program. In the second part, I suggest some small adjustments in the main argument of this tradition of interpretation. In general terms, the non-hegemonic tradition can be characterised by the claim that Nietzsche is a legitimate heir of the metaphilosophical programme first formulated by Friedrich Albert Lange in his ˜History of Materialism and Critique of its Significance for the (...)
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  36. Filosofia como forma de vida: o embate com o ceticismo moderno.Rogério Lopes - 2017 - Cadernos Nietzsche 38 (3):125-180.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the way in which Pascal reacts to Montaigne’s attempt of recovering the ancient conception of philosophy as a way of life by reworking certain elements he borrowed from the sceptical tradition will have a considerable impact on the similar philosophical project Nietzsche tries to develop in his so-called middle period works (section III of this paper). Nietzsche’s starting point is the diagnosis that the crisis of Christianity in Early Modern Europe did (...)
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  37. Nietzsche on the Banishment of Supererogation by Luther and its Influence on Modern Ethical Life and Moral Theorizing.Rogério Lopes - 2020 - In Helmut Heit & Andreas Urs Sommer (eds.), Nietzsche Und Die Reformation. De Gruyter. pp. 331-348.
    Nietzsche on the Banishment of Supererogation by Luther and its Influence on Modern Ethical Life and Moral Theorizing. Much attention has been paid to Nietzsche’s refusal of obligation-centred moral theories (such as Kantian deontology and Utilitarian consequentialism), but little or no attention to the historical roots of such conceptions. The aim of this paper is to explore the ways Nietzsche connects the Kantian version of legal moral theory to the Lutheran Reformation, taking as its leitmotif the exclusion by Luther of (...)
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  38. O intérprete gentil: saudação ao amigo André Itaparica por ocasião de seus cinquenta anos.Rogério Lopes - 2022 - Cadernos Nietzsche 43 (1):149-164.
    Resumo: Este artigo é uma homenagem à trajetória de André Itaparica na pesquisa Nietzsche brasileira. Feita de um ponto de vista sobretudo pessoal, esta homenagem não poderia deixar de mencionar algumas das virtudes que se sobressaem em seu trabalho e que no meu entendimento conferem exemplaridade às suas contribuições para os estudos Nietzsche no Brasil. Entre essas virtudes destaco por fim a gentileza, que curiosamente não costuma figurar no catálogo das virtudes intelectuais. O trabalho de André Itaparica é um convite (...)
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    A variable neighbourhood search for minimization of operation times through warehouse layout optimization.Jon Díaz, Haizea Rodriguez, Jenny Fajardo-Calderín, Ignacio Angulo & Enrique Onieva - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (4):688-699.
    For companies involved in the supply chain, proper warehousing management is crucial. Warehouse layout arrangement and operation play a critical role in a company’s ability to maintain and improve its competitiveness. Reducing costs and increasing efficiency are two of the most crucial warehousing goals. Deciding on the best warehouse layout is a remarkable optimization problem. This paper uses an optimization method to set bin allocations within an automated warehouse with particular characteristics. The warehouse’s initial layout and the automated platforms limit (...)
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  40. Naturalismus und Interpretationismus: Einige Bemerkungen zu Abels Interpretationsphilosophie.Rogério Lopes - 2018 - In Astrid Wagner & Ulrich Dirks (eds.), Abel Im Dialog: Perspektiven der Zeichen- Und Interpretationsphilosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 1219-1230.
    This article aims to investigate the extent to which Abel’s insertion in the debate on scepticism and naturalism in the Anglophone philosophical tradition, especially in the historical Strawson-Stroud debate on the success of transcendental arguments in response to the sceptical challenge, allows the creation of a conceptual scheme which refuses both the conventionalist and the naturalist position in regard to our conceptual schemas, while at the same time seeking to differentiate itself from the apriorism of the Kantian tradition. Although I (...)
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  41. Ceticismo e Vida contemplativa em Nietzsche.Rogerio Lopes - 2008 - Dissertation, Federal University of Minas Gerais
    The present thesis intends the reconstruction of Nietzsche’s dialogue with the history of scepticism through the identification of his main sources. Such dialogue is constantly mediated by texts from authors contemporary to Nietzsche, therefore the reconstruction of the sources could not remain exclusively inside the sceptical tradition, but included frequently some post-Kantian authors. The fundamental claims of the present thesis are: Nietzsche was deeply acquainted with the history of scepticism; his work assumes this tradition in a very innovative manner; Nietzsche (...)
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    Cadahia, María Luciana. "Dos caras de una misma moneda: Libertad y Poder en los escritos foucaultianos", Logos, Anales del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España] 44 (2011): 165-188. [REVIEW]Carolina Piracoca Fajardo - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):291-294.
    El presente trabajo investiga las tesis sobre el poder civil de Alonso de la Veracruz que buscan incorporar en la comunidad política española a los habitantes autóctonos del Nuevo Mundo, tesis que suelen relacionarse con F. de Vitoria y el tomismo español, y que últimamente son consideradas parte del republicanismo novohispano elaborado desde la periferia americana. Se busca demostrar que su propósito era aplicar una teoría de derechos naturales, sin que ello implique participación política de los indios americanos. Se analiza (...)
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  43.  60
    Quine – Peter Hylton. [REVIEW]Rogério Passos Severo - 2009 - Philosophical Quarterly 59 (237):738-740.
    This is a review of Peter Hylton's Quine (Routledge, 2007). The review highlights three aspects of the book that make are somewhat novel in the literature: (1) Hylton points out that Quine does not reject the analytic-synthetic distinction altogether, but merely its epistemological use by Carnap and others; (2) that the thesis of indeterminacy of translation is not a central doctrine in Quine's philosophy; and (3) that besides a naturalized epistemology, Quine's philosophy contains also a "naturalized metaphysics".
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    Composições enfermas - doença, crítica E música em Thomas Mann.Diego Rogério Ramos - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (139):109-132.
    RESUMO Nas obras de Thomas Mann, a doença não se coloca como um elemento simples do entrecho, mas sim como uma parte central da evolução da trama, especialmente no desenvolvimento dos personagens. No entanto, em suas obras, as figurações da saúde e da doença não são fixas, e, portanto, faz-se necessário buscar um núcleo de sentido a essas noções. Argumentamos que a contraposição fundamental entre os termos é a expressão de uma tensão entre o desenrolar da vida com suas expectativas (...)
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    PluriVox Program in Brazil’s Unified Health System: five-step group work to promote patient health behaviors.Nedio Seminotti & Rogério Meireles Pinto - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (1):224-240.
    This paper describes PluriVox, a user-friendly program aimed to improve group process and dynamics and to promote the health of undeserved population. PluriVox is grounded in psychoeducation, and it can be used in public health efforts to encourage service consumers (“patients”) to become more active in realizing their own health-related needs through participation in health promotion groups. We suggest PluriVox as a strategy to help service providers (e.g., physicians, nurses, community health workers) and consumers to work as co-producers of health. (...)
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    O avesso do bordado: doxa, razão, Eros e retórica no Fedro.Rogério Gimenes de Campos - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-27.
    Mostraremos como o Fedro de Platão é um terreno atípico, cujo léxico e alguns conceitos são flutuantes dentro do próprio diálogo, dificultando comparações lexicais com outros diálogos. Nosso ensaio mostrará a flutuação e a inversão de valores desse léxico-conceitual no próprio Fedro, tomando como exemplo quatro termos chave: doxa, razão, Eros e retórica. Consideraremos o caráter metodológico e epistemológico que a comparação lexical entre diálogos implica, tomando o Fedro como exemplo cujo bordado, comparado aos demais diálogos, sempre parece às avessas. (...)
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  47. Information Systems Governance and Industry 4.0 - epistemology of data and semiotic methodologies of IS in digital ecosystems.Ângela Lacerda Nobre, Rogério Duarte & Marc Jacquinet - 2018 - Advances in Information and Communication Technology 527:311-312.
    Contemporary Information Systems management incorporates the need to make explicit the links between semiotics, meaning-making and the digital age. This focus addresses, at its core, pure rationality, that is, the capacity of human interpretation and of human inscription upon reality. Creating the new real, that is the motto. Humans are intrinsically semiotic creatures. Consequently, semiotics is not a choice or an option but something that works like a second skin, establishing limits and permeable linkages between: human thought and human's infinite (...)
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    Bakhtin e a Linguística: um diálogo iniciado nos anos 1920.Beth Brait, Geraldo Tadeu Souza, Marília Amorim, Adriana Pucci Faria Penteado E. Silva, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Carlos Gontijo Rosa, Paulo Rogério Stella & Letícia Jovelina Storto - 2025 - Bakhtiniana 20 (1):e66039p.
    ABSTRACT In several works by the Circle (Bakhtin, Vološinov, Medvedev), the reference to Saussure and/or the specificities of Linguistics, as a science of language, can be found in a dialogue, more or less controversial, between thinkers and epistemological, theoretical and methodological trends that propose different approaches to the complexity represented by human language and, consequently, to its study. In this article, the objective is to circumscribe and discuss the presence of Linguistics, as a science of language established by Saussure, in (...)
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    O termo competência nos documentos oficiais que normatizam a atuação de Tilsp: da hierarquização à especialização.Carlos Alberto Matias de Oliveira & Paulo Rogério Stella - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (4):e58940p.
    ABSTRACT This work proposes reflections on possible meanings constructed in the circulation of discourses that refer to the meaning of the term ‘competence,’ present in official documents that regulate the performance of Tilsp (Tradutores e Intérpretes de Libras e Português [Translators and Interpreters of Libras and Portuguese]). We start from the assumption that the meanings of a word are not completely static, but shift depending on the concrete situation and the interlocutors who use it. As a methodology, excerpts from official (...)
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    Unwritten Doctrine of Pythagoras in Hermias of Alexandria.Rogério G. De Campos - 2022 - Peitho 13 (1):185-198.
    In Hermias’ commentary on Phaedrus (In Platonis Phaedrum Scholia), it is possible to identify several direct references to the philosophers and pre-Socratic doctrines, including Pythagoras. We point out to three references to Pythagoras in Hermias: (1) Pythagoras is characterized as an unwritten philosopher, (2) there is a special connection with the divinities and Muses, and (3) there is a special connection with the Phaedrus dialogue, revealed by the affinity between Pythagoras and Socrates. We show how the explicit references to Pythagoras (...)
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